Saturday, March 14, 2015

Blush of Spring

frog and moth at the window

It always starts with the Spring Peepers. Some years those small frogs begin announcing the passing of winter timidly, one or two at a time, tuning up for early rehearsals. But a week ago, when the last patches of snow lay scattered on the ground, a full chorus of peepers started singing simultaneously from the pond, as if they had been practicing in secret for that day.

male cardinal in winter tree

male cardinal in winter

The cardinals heard it, and the next morning one male started his cadence while it was still dark, "wet, wet, wet, wet" over and over, staking out his territory. As dawn broke, the air became saturated with bird song, sounding glorious after a quiet winter. 

harbinger of spring wildflower closeup

Deer have been browsing on new tufts of clover that sprung up overnight, and Harbinger of Spring and Bluet, those diminutive wildflowers, carpet the ground. Overhead, geese are winging their way back north.

Soft showers fell all day yesterday and on through the night, stimulating a green blush from the fields and lawns.

Springtime comes again, new every year, yet ancient, from the hand of the One who made all creatures, and, with the others, we lift a song of gratitude.

young red fox


“But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
    or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
    or let the fish in the sea inform you.

Which of all these does not know
    that the hand of the Lord has done this?
In his hand is the life of every creature
    and the breath of all mankind.

Job 12:7-10

Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime;
it is the Lord who makes the storm clouds.
He gives showers of rain to men,
and plants of the field to everyone.

Zechariah 10:1

Linking with Saturday's Critters

Saturday, March 7, 2015

School's Out!

Eastern Wild Turkey in falling snow

Snow fell, thick as oatmeal, filled the sky with white wonder,

and piled up on the backs of bewildered turkeys.

Possum in the snow annimation

Afterwards, one of the night crew, a young possum, came out to find a snack.

Possum walking in the snow

Then he was off on a mission, undeterred by his bad hair day.

Possum in snow under stone bench

He stopped under the stone bench. 

 It seemed to be familiar territory; he had probably been here many times at night.

young squirrel looking out from den tree

From the shelter of his den tree, high overhead,

a young squirrel looked on, happy that the sun was back.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Food Chain

It's cold out.
Fat snowflakes drift aimlessly to the ground.
As the flakes descend, the creature's appetites rise.

Red-belled Woodpecker with Suet

The birds can't get enough of the suet.  
This one is composed of lard and peanut butter, cornmeal, oatmeal and sunflower seeds, with a few raisins mixed in.  

Crows in a snowy tree

High in a tree, crows weigh their chances of getting to the food.

Turkey and crows in the snow

Wild turkeys have staked their territory over the corn on the ground, 
and when the crows try to encroach, one bold turkey keeps pushing them back.

Red-tailed hawk in snow

Early in the afternoon, a regal red-shouldered hawk swooped in to check out the birds on the deck.
They scattered, and he came up empty. This time.
As he left the deck, he grabbed at the suet but couldn't get it loose.

Red-tailed hawk in flight

He'll be back.

stone carpendar ant in snow

With all the creatures around him eating,
the carpendar ant on our deck doesn't even pause for a snack.
Talk about work ethic-- this guy wrote the book!

Linking with Wild Bird Wednesday