Saturday, May 31, 2014

Conflicts of Interest

Outside my studio window, hanging from a tall pole, is a bird feeder, 
with baffles above it to repel squirrels, and a lid that twists to close. 
When the red squirrels found a way to get by the baffles and twist the lid open, 
we added bungee cords to thwart them, and it worked. 

For a while.

What we didn't anticipate was the new crop of acrobatic gray squirrels 
who are still small enough to squeeze their way through the bars and get at the bird's sunflower seeds.
 One of these days, just like Winnie the Pooh, they're going to eat too much to get out. 
They haven't damaged anything yet, and they are so cute 
that I haven't mentioned it to the hunter in the house. 

Mum's the word.

I suppose there will always be small conflicts of interest when sharing space with another species.
  Frogs make use of the flower pots...

..and deer make themselves comfortable nearby, eating the day lilies and roses. 
Though we like to think of them all as our animals near our house, 
they may well think of us as their humans living in their woods.  

After all, their ancestors were on this hilltop long before the house was built.

The creatures are usually content to stay outside, 
but we've had snakes, a hummingbird, lizards, and frogs in the house, and even a chipmunk.

I awoke one morning to see a chipmunk within arm's reach at the side of the bed. I inhaled sharply and for a split second, we froze, starring at each other. When I bravely held my ground, he catapulted across the room and tucked into a the underside of a cabinet. It was impossible to tell how he squeezed in there, let alone get him out. So we waited.

By bedtime, concerned about the chipmunk's welfare, I put a little water in the bottom of the Jucuzzi along with a few sunflower seed sprouts.  The next morning, most of the sprouts were gone, and what remained was a big mess. I should have set out napkins.

It was dinner time the next day before we saw little creature again, dashing across the kitchen floor. We opened all the doors and backed out of sight.  We're pretty sure he made it out, because that was years ago, and he hasn't been seen inside since.

Just to be on the safe side, we've changed all our locks.

Linking with Saturday's Critters

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Rabbit Territory

At first light...

...this is not a bad place for a rabbit to hide,
where the early sun turns tree trunks into cinnamon sticks
and mockingbirds sing morning medleys.

There are instructions for the little ones.

"Watch out for Mr. Fox and Wiley Coyotte."

After Mom gets a kiss...

...they're off to bed.

Linking with Saturday's Critters

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Morning Watch

It's first light, and Barley takes his job as garden watchdog pretty seriously.

After all, who knows when a marauding rabbit might want some breakfast?
Not that Barley would hurt a fly, but the rabbits don't know that.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of things to engage a watchdog's attention.

In the old dogwood tree across the yard...

...a Carolina Chickadee has made a home, 
and makes frequent trips in and out to feed the little ones.

After a quick bath...

...and a flip of the tail, she's back to work.

The much maligned Brown-headed Cowbird bathes next,
then shakes and sends out a shower of droplets.

Despite his bad reputation, he considers himself quite handsome.

None of them seem to be too troubled by Barley.

Maybe next time we'll get a Rottweiler...

Linking with Wild Bird Wednesday