Friday, November 13, 2015

Blurb Magazine


When I want to publish a book online, Blurb is my go-to company. Here's their ad on the internet:

Passion + Design = Perfect Book. Make a Book. Leave Your Mark.

If you, like me, have a passion, and love to design, how can that not speak to you?

Recently, I posted a blog entitled Eternity, and my sister suggested I might add to it and turn it into a book. 

So that's what I did.

Or, more specifically, I used Blurb's magazine format to make a book.

Blurb's design and layout application, Bookwright, is downloadable, and I found it to be intuitive and user friendly. I chose the magazine format, quite honestly, because the price was remarkably low. On my first attempt, I ordered the economy magazine--20 pages for $3.99. The paper was thin, and the photos didn't have the rich saturation I had hoped for.  So I ordered another one with premium paper, still only $5.99 (plus postage, which runs high) for 20 pages, and I am very happy with the result. The cover has a soft gloss, and the colors pop off the substantial matte paper inside. Perfect.

About that passion? 

I think knowing about the next world is one of the most encouraging things in this one, and who of us can't use a little encouragement?

Linking with Our World Tuesday

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Trail Cam

On a foggy morning last month, we tried out our new Browning Strike Force Trail Cam.  


The camera has infrared, which seemed to intrigue the deer.


They were mesmerized, like kids watching Saturday morning cartoons... 

...until the breakfast bell rang.

My attention was elsewhere.
 Don's office was between secretaries, so I've been acting as the temp. 
Good thing somebody was taking pictures at our house.

It's good to be back.

Linking with Saturday's Critters

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Hummingbird Addiction

A north breeze brought cooler temperatures this morning and may have sent a signal to the hummingbirds that their time here is short. Or maybe they've known it all along. Their noisy drone at the feeders morning and evening has diminished, their chirps are spaced out, and the sugar water is going down a little more slowly.

I think they'll miss this beautiful place. After all, we have some of the cleanest air in the country, and this year, they have found a new addiction in the flowerbed, the dark blue/purple blossoms of Agastache 'Blue Boa'.

One female has taken possession of the plant; she dangles from the blossom like a Christmas ornament, sipping the nectar with her long tubular tongue...

...and attacking any other bird with the audacity to challenge her territory.
Fortunately for the others, she can't watch it all the time. 

When they're gone, we'll miss them, too, but at least, the vacuum left by their departure will be filled by a variety of migrating birds.

The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.
May the name of the Lord be blessed.
Job 1:21

Linking with Wild Bird Wednesday