Showing posts with label dogwood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogwood. Show all posts

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Morning Fog

trees in fog

Morning fog alters the atmosphere, washing out the background, and painting the foreground in simple shapes.

fall dogwood tree in fog

Not even a falling leaf makes a sound on the dampened earth.

Eastern White-tailed doe in fog

A young doe stands at attention and listens...

Eastern White-tailed buck in fog

...while a buck sniffs the air, depending on non-visual cues.

The ancient oak seems to listen, too, leaning into the fog.
What does he hear?

Linking with Saturday's Critters

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sweet Anticipation

On a gray morning, rain drips off and on from half-hearted clouds.  
Outside, dogwood bracts unfold to reveal tiny emerald treasures that will soon open, attracting a menagerie of pollinators.

The first blush of deep pink has appeared on red bud trees, and it looks, for the first time in years, 
like they might bloom simultaneously with the dogwoods.  
Our icy winter compressed the first side of spring, and the results could be glorious.

Male goldfinches have discarded their drab winter garb and donned bright yellow down jackets for the season...

and male bluebirds have pulled on their brightest little t-shirts.

All of that said, most of the trees are still bare except for a few oaks like the one near the house, 
which stubbornly hoards last year's dead leaves.  
They'll discard their clutter any day now, and I'll finally be able to clean out the flower bed for good.

I can't remember when we've waited this long to see toothwart and rue anemone, 
but now that they've appeared, other wildflowers are following in swift succession.  

A brief look around yesterday revealed Johnny-jump-ups, 
bluets, spring beauties, pussy toes, and dandelions.  
Verbena covers the lake shores, and henbit, the poor gardener's ground cover, decorates the town.
Service berry trees are in full flower...

 ...and wild plum blossoms exude their intoxicating fragrance.

Now the rain has stopped, and cloud curtains, blown in the breeze, part to reveal the sun. 

The sweet anticipation seems inbred
Of clover underfoot, the hum of bees
Of new leaves growing overhead
And poppies swaying in the breeze

 But in the meantime...

Life is pretty good.

Linking with Wild Bird Wednesday

Thanks to Kim Klassen, who provides fabulous free textures.
The one I used today is Just a Touch.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Just Last Week

Dogwood leaves

glowed crimson through the morning mist.

Click on image to enlarge.

From a windy hilltop,

the afternoon sun ducked in and out of clouds

 lighting trees afire and dousing others in the shadows.

The colors were brilliant and brief.

"Nothing gold can stay."

Robert Frost

Friday, April 19, 2013

Spring Gold

After a colorless winter,

 the earth heaves a sigh of relief;

  its breath rustles feathers, spins wildflowers into a dance, and stirs the dogwoods.

A chickadee examines a home in the dogwood tree;

  What could be nicer than a curtain of lacy white?

Gold finches, so drab in the winter,

have put their down jackets in mothballs,

 and now bid for attention as the males molt into their breeding colors...

and animate the forest with their brilliance.

There is gold in these hills,

not the kind of gold that many seek,

but warm and animated.

Who could ask for more?

Linking with Weekly Top Shot