Saturday, October 26, 2024

Teddy Bear Bees

Under an azure blue October sky, Gus and I have been observing insects. Lately, we've been captivated by the maneuvers of a small militia of carpenter bees at work on the salvia.

These gentle creatures, clad in fuzzy jackets, always remind me of teddy bears. Just a month ago, the swarm was too numerous to count, which didn't stop me from trying, but now, five or six of them at a time seem like a crowd. 

Like skilled acrobats, they catch rides on the swaying flower stems, ducking their heads inside the blooms to sip the sweet nectar, then carry pollen from blossom to blossom, humming as they go. 

"How many are your works, Lord!
In wisdom you made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures."
Psalm 104:24

You can read the whole chapter here, and it's truly outstanding!