When I found thirteen monarch caterpillars clustered on my purple milkweed yesterday morning, they were pleasantly plump. They had eaten a large portion of leaves and were busy finishing their breakfast. By this afternoon, the number had dropped to eight. Failing a hungry bear or a wasp attack*, five had most likely left the milkweed and were looking for a place to attach and form a chrysalis. I spotted one on a nearby yucca.

By dinnertime, the caterpillar had firmly attached itself to the yucca leaf with silk threads. It hung in a "J" shape, appearing lifeless. If everything goes well, it will hang there for about eighteen hours or longer before forming a beautifully striking chrysalis. I hope to witness this transformation; I'll share it with you if I do.
Incidentally, the purple milkweed probably won't bloom, which is disappointing. It's a stunning native plant. However, anticipating observing a chrysalis and the potential emergence of a new butterfly makes the sacrifice seem worthwhile.
*A few years ago, I watched a wasp pluck a caterpillar off milkweed and carry it away.