Showing posts with label wild bergamot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wild bergamot. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Free Flowers

Abundant rain followed by a string of hot days has resulted in a better than usual wildflower crop this year.  These flowers, in shades of blue and purple, presented themselves to me along the road as Barley and I walked the other morning, so I brought them home and photographed them in front of the flat screen TV.  They are labeled below. I love the larkspur, holding their wings as if they are going to lift off momentarily.  The wild bergamot always remind me of aliens, with delicate fringes at the ends of their antennae, and a minty fragrance.  On the left of the bouquet is one flower I haven't been able to find in my wildflower books.  It is quite delicate, like baby's breath, and it's light lavender blossoms are shaped like bells with scalloped edges.  If you know its name, I'd love to hear from you.