Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Morning Praise

On this bright new morning, a robin greets the sun from her favorite fencepost.

Two bucks, most likely two year old twins...

now spar, preparing to be rivals. 

A juvenile purple finch perches on the supplejack,

and a tufted titmouse is silhouetted against an orange sky.

They all give praise to their Maker, doing what He created them to do.

Years ago, we used to sing a children's song in church, 

one that I believe holds true for God's children of any age:

The birds upon the treetops sing their song;
The angels chant their chorus all day long;
The flowers in the garden blend their hue,
So why shouldn't I, why shouldn't you praise Him, too?

If you'd like to see a very cute video of a little girl singing this,

click here.

Linking with Little Things Thursday,

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Morning Missed

The night was restless; I forgot to set my alarm and got up late.  Remnants of mist lingered in the air.  It was undoubtedly glorious earlier, but now, the sun was far above the horizon. 

You don't get overs on mornings.

I missed a misty morning as I lay asleep in bed
Bright rays, the trees adorning, streamed through my dreams instead.

A rabbit ate the meadow rue, from what I ascertain
The only bunnies in my view hopped 'round inside my brain.

The droplets on the new-mown lawn were diamonds, so I'm told
But all the treasures of the dawn were someone else's gold.

In dreams, I held some butterflies, but dreams I cannot keep
I missed a misty sunrise as I lay there fast asleep.

Linking with Saturday's Critters

Friday, July 18, 2014

False Alarm

The sound of coyotes woke me in the middle of the night, their voices overlapping into an eerie chorus.  
When they quieted, I could hear insect music streaming through the window on the cool night air.  
This is not an ordinary summer.

Usually, by this time of year, the only sound we hear at night is the air conditioner, 
and chipmunks, who all quake in their dens at sound of the coyotes, rarely venture out in the heat.

This week has been deliciously cool, and chipmunks spend the mornings outside, 
the little ones staging mock battles and looking for food.
I watched one on the deck, going about his business until suddenly he put on the brakes,
 startled by what was before him.

It was a carpendar ant, made in Mexico of stones and metal.  
It set up shop on our deck several years ago and has been working away quite diligently ever since.

Apparently, his saw is rather dull, because he's still working on the same piece of wood he started on when he came.

Fortunately for the chipmunk, the ant is far too preoccupied to represent much of a threat.  
And we're going to leave him be, because we can't wait to see what he's making.

Linking with Saturday's Critters