Showing posts with label Passion Flower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Passion Flower. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why Do I Photograph?


I love photography.  

I love words, 

and for me, words flow better when I have something to attach them to.  

Photography helps me tell a story.

Helping Hands

I love capturing a unique moment in time,

something that would otherwise be lost forever.

Passion Flower

I love passing on a thing of interest or beauty,

something in this creation that reminds us of a loving Creator.

Lifted Hands

In its finest moments, my camera becomes an instrument of praise,

an extension of my heart, an outpouring of gratitude.

Kat Sloma's e-course, Finding Your Eye, begins by asking this question: "Why do you photograph?"  Above is my answer.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Passion Flower

My friend, Susan, told me the other day that she had some passion flowers growing at her place, and I asked if she would pick one for me to photograph.  She and her husband showed up that evening with a whole bucketful.  "It's hard to pick just one", she said, and a glance at the tangle of intertwining tendrils confirmed what she said.

One of the flowers started opening yesterday morning, like purple and white spaghetti spilling out of its green package, and by afternoon every strand had escaped.  The flower culminates in a fruit, soft and green, similar in size and shape to a small lime.  When ripe, it turns dark yellow and brown, and has a sweet, edible pulp.

The first time I saw a passion flower, I was astonished by its intricate beauty, and I imagined that I had made a discovery that would soon make headlines in the botanical world.  As it turns out, they grow wild here, and no matter how many of them I have seen, they continue to amaze me.

He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed,

 Miracles that cannot be counted...

Job 5:9
